Thursday, November 17, 2011

It's raining fall in my house!!

 I love Pheasants and was so excited when I found these two love birds for $20.00 at craft mall!
The plate is 1970's  paid $3.95 & the acorn salt & pepper shakers adorable $ 3.95
I bought at a antique place in Bryan College Station Tx
This orange glass ware is a recycled piece that I have
had for a while & decided to use in my windowsill,
added flower & acorns! My scarecrows are dollar store finds!
These two amber glass chickens, were given to me by my wonderful mother!
Amber glass is so rich & beautiful.....
My sister & I went to a family reunion &
of course had to do a little shopping along the way,
this amber bottle was found in Palestine,Tx.
The down town is a great place to go,
they have alot of antique malls, & great eating places!
This little jewel cost me $6.00!
I bought this frosted green sunflower glassware
in Palestine too! Great find for $8.00
 I bought a amber one to go with it for my bathroom!!

1 comment:

  1. Love your blog with all the colorful pictures...I did pin some of your pictures! :)
